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RIVISTA Plurisettimanale Online > Registr. Trib. PE n. 02/2016 ISSN 2611-626X editata da DOMUS EUROPA_Centro Studi di Geocultura

Tag: Kazakhstan

A tutto gas: i conflitti dell’impero russo

di Aldo Ferrara La governance speciale dell’imperialista Putin Chiamiamola pure così la forma di Governo degli anni che verranno in Russia. La contrapposizione tra forma democratica,...

Pope Francis in Kazakhstan: For a “renewed spirit of Helsinki” 

By Elisabeth Hellenbroich From September 13- 15 Pope Francis visited the capital of Kazakhstan (Nur-Sultan, Astana) in order to address the 7th Congress of “World...

Karaganov: Russia shall not attack Ukraine. Its future lies with Eurasia and with China

During the third week of January 2022 as a consequence of the Ukrainian crisis the contacts between Russia and the West have intensified. In...

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