Sharon Ritossa, the tragedy of the #foibe in images

Foibe di Sharon Ritossa. Wonderful concept book of 2016, around one of the most tragic events of the Italian wars. Foibe by Sharon Ritossa was published by Fabbrica, the communications research center of Benetton Group. The black cover, but above all the internal pages, remind us of the “Sacchi” of Alberto Burri. The “Sacchi” of Burri were made during the Foibe period. [caption id="attachment_10155" align="aligncenter" width="800"] Alberto Burri, Rosso plastica, 1966[/caption] Foibe di Sharon Ritossa During winter and spring 2016 Sharon Ritossa searched for and took photographs of foibe, deep natural sinkholes typical of the Karst region, situated along the Italian, Slovenian and Croatian borders. At the end of World War Two, the foibe of the Karst were used as mass graves to hide the bodies of Italians, Croats, Slovenes and Germans killed for political reasons. Today, the history of these deep cavities is still unclear, disputed and often denied; the foibe continue to hide secrets. This photographic research aims at reflecting on how the geological structure of a geographical region can affect its social and historical events. The exploration of the Karst gave birth to a volume that is inspired by historical military maps. The project Foibe received honourable mention from the 2016 Graziadei Prize. — Durante l’inverno e la primavera del 2016 Sharon Ritossa ha cercato e fotografato le foibe, profonde cavità naturali tipiche del territorio del Carso, lungo il confine italiano, sloveno e croato. Dopo la Seconda Guerra mondiale, le foibe presenti su tutta la zona carsica vennero utilizzate come fosse comuni per occultare i corpi di italiani, croati, sloveni e tedeschi uccisi per motivi politici. Ancora oggi la storia di questi abissi resta oscura, contestata e spesso negata, e le foibe continuano a celare dei segreti. Questa ricerca fotografica intende riflettere su quanto la conformazione geologica di un’area geografica possa influire sulle sue vicende storiche e sociali. L’esplorazione del territorio carsico ha dato vita a un volume che si ispira alle mappe storiche militari. Il progetto Foibe ha ricevuto la menzione speciale al premio Graziadei 2016. Publisher: Fabrica Year: 2016 Format: 18×18 cm ISBN: 9788898764945 Graphic design: Roberta Donatini Languages: Italian, Slovenian, Croatian, English, German First limited edition, 100 copies Screen printed on canvas From: ]]>

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