Energia nucleare e mass-media: due vie di intesa tra Russia e Argentina


La Russia aumenta la propria presenza nelle Americhe. Si mescolano le carte dei rapporti internazionali. Si sta sviluppando un nuovo modello di incontro-scontro tra le due (ex) superpotenze. Il recente accordo tra Russia e Argentina ne è un esempio.   Se dalla caduta del Muro, si registra una tendenza occidentale a estendere la propria influenza sui Paesi ex socialisti, dall’altro lato la presidenze Putin di Mosca sta recuperando terreno sul piano globale, non solo in Siria e nei rapporti con la Cina, ma anche in America Latina. Lo “scontro” tra quelli che furono I due poli della Guerra Fredda si sta progressivamente spostando dal terreno militare a quello economico. In questo campo Washington ha dalla sua la forza secolare del maggior apparato industriale del mondo, de sempre impegnato nella R&D; ma ora ha anche la debolezza derivante dal soverchio peso della finanza. La Russia ha la fragilità derivante da un apparato produttivo a volte ancora gravato dall’inefficienza ereditata dal passato regime, ma ha il grande vantaggio di non essere totalmente soggetta alla logica del potere finanziario. I recenti accordi con l’Argentina sono un esempio di questa differenza nei modi di relazionarsi con l’estero che può mettere in campo la Russia oggi. Un’ulteriore prova della capacità e dell’iniziativa di Putin. Riportiamo un articolo diramato su tali accordi dall’agenzia stampa putiniana “Sputnik”. E poniamo il problema: ha senso percepire questi sviluppi come una minaccia da contrastare? Non avrebbe maggiore senso invece cercare di imboccare la strada della collaborazione nel nome delle potenzialità di crescita economica: un tipo di collaborazione che peraltro esiste da tempo nel campo dell’esplorazione spaziale? (LS)   Moscow (Sputnik) Oct 26, 2015 Argentina and Russia are committed to enhancing cooperation in the energy field, President of Argentina Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner told RT TV channel on Thursday. On Wednesday, Russian President Vladimir Putin and the Argentine leader held a videoconference marking the 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Argentina. “Yesterday we spoke about oil energy activity, which we will maintain, activity, jobs, drilling, investment,” Kirchner said. The president outlined common projects the two countries worked on, such as Chihuido I hydroelectric and Atucha nuclear power plants, as well as association between the countries’ energy companies. “And we expect and we aspire to reach good cooperation, because I believe this is very important,” Kirchner stressed. During Kirchner’s visit to Russia in April, the Russian energy company Gazprom and Argentine’s state-run YPF oil and gas corporation signed a memorandum on cooperation. Last April, the sides signed a preliminary deal to equip Argentina’s Atucha power plant with a sixth nuclear reactor. Latin American information space, dominated by the US media, desperately needs independent, alternative news sources, President of Argentina stated. The Argentine president lauded the RT television channel, calling it a new voice of Latin America. RT’s Spanish-language service was launched in 2009. Since 2014, it has significantly expanded its broadcasting across Latin America. A survey conducted by ICM Research exclusively for Sputnik and released in May, showed that over half of those people polled in the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Greece would like to get global news from sources other than mainstream Western media. Putin and Kirchner held a videoconference marking the 130th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Russia and Argentina. The Argentine president said that even though it was a video conference, there were not many difficulties with delays which could make conversations difficult. “It was technologically and also politically perfect, which is more important, because there could be a lot of technology and no correct politics. There was technology and there were politics,” Kirchner said. In April, Kirchner met with Putin during an official visit to Moscow. The sides signed a number of cooperation deals and said that the bilateral ties between Moscow and Buenos Aires were strengthening. from: sputniknews.com]]>


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