Congresso Internazionale di Architettura a Bucharest – ROCAD #architecture #romanian


La mondializzazione vista dall’Est Europa. La rilevanza del fenomeno qui acquisisce rilevanza particolare, poiché il cambiamento sociale, eonomico e quindi anche urbanistico, nei Paesi che conobbero il  socialismo reale è oggi molto marcato. E la scelta dei relatori alla Terza edizione del ROCAD è espressione di come si guarda al mondo occidentale, da parte di un Paese quale la Romania.

The 3rd Edition of the Annual Romanian Convention of Architecture and Design (ROCAD), one of the most important architectural convention in the East Europe, will take place on the 7th and 8th of May, in Bucharest, Romania. Within the framework of this edition, we all will be celebrating 150 years since the foundation of the first Architecture school in Romania, and 550 years since the first official attestation of Bucharest.

Among the distinguished guests and international recognized personalities in architecture and design that will honour the board of ROCAD, are as follows:

GLEN MURCUTT, Australia, Prix “Pritzer Architecture Prize”

PAUL ANDREU, France, Prix “Aga Khan for Architecture”

SIGURNUR EINARSON, Denmark, Prix “Mies Van der Rohe Award”


JUHANI PALLASMAA, Finland, Prix “Arnold W. Prize for Architecture, America Academy of Arts”

WOLF D, PRIX, (Coop Himmelblau), Austria, Prix “WallPaper Design Award”

GUNNY HARBOE, USA, Prix “National Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects”

JAVIER PIOZ and ROSA CERVERA, “Golden Global Award Prize” (A+D, Spectrum Found.)

Attached is the poster of the Convention, for more information please visit:

Es un placer darles a conocer la celebración de la 3ra. Edición de la Convención Anual de Arquitectura y Diseño de Rumania (ROCAD), uno de los encuentros de arquitectura más importantes de Europa del Este, el cual tendrá lugar en el 7 y 8 de Mayo, en Bucarest, Rumania.

Entre los invitados distinguidos y  las personalidades reconocidas a nivel internacional en el campo de la arquitectura que honrarán la junta de ROCAD, se encuentran:

GLEN MURCUTT, Australia, Premio “Pritzer de Architectura”

PAUL ANDREU, Francia, Premio “Aga Khan de Architectura “

SIGURNUR EINARSON, Dinamarca, Premio “Mies Van der Rohe Award”


JUHANI PALLASMAA, Finlandia, Premio “Arnold W. Prize for Architecture, America Academy of Arts”

WOLF D, PRIX, (Coop Himmelblau), Austria, Premio “WallPaper Design Award”

GUNNY HARBOE, USA, Premio “National Honor Award from the American Institute of Architects”

JAVIER PIOZ y ROSA CERVERA, Premio “Golden Global Award” (A+D, Spectrum Found.)”

Para más información pueden consultar el póster que se adjunta y visitar la web:

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